Sweethearts Snowshoe Hike

The Cass County Conservation Board is CANCELLING the Sweethearts Snowshoe Hike. Due to the snow conditions. The Moonlight Snowshoe Hike was to be held at the Pellett Memorial Woods outside of Atlantic, IA on February 11th 2017 at 7 PM.

Great Backyard Bird Count Program

Great Backyard Bird Count Program at the Atlantic Public Library Community Room Saturday February 11th at 1:00 PM. Come learn how to participate in this wonderful citizen science project. We will also cover some basic bird identification.

Join the 20th Great Backyard Bird Count

New York, NY, Ithaca, NY, and Port Rowan, ON—A lot has changed since the first Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) was held in 1998. Each year brings unwavering enthusiasm from the growing number of participants in this now-global event. The 20th annual GBBC is taking...

Sweethearts Snowshoe Hike

The Cass County Conservation Board is holding Sweethearts Snowshoe Hike. The Moonlight Snowshoe Hike will be held at the Pellett Memorial Woods outside of Atlantic, IA on February 11th 2017 at 7 PM.  If there is no clouds the moon will light our way! Come out for a...